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Proposing a Book

Please read the description of our publishing areas in About the Publisher.

We recommend that you send a query letter before sending a proposal or manuscript. Your letter should include:

  • the working title of your book

  • the usual title(s) of the course(s) for which the book is intended

  • a brief description of your general approach in the book

  • the major competitors and/or the major books that people currently use in the course(s) for which your book is intended

  • a list of the major features and characteristics that would distinguish your book from those books

The letter should generally focus on how your proposed book would meet people's teaching needs.

The letter and your proposal should be written in positive rather than negative terms (that is, focusing on what your book will do, rather than what other books do not do).

A table of contents and a copy of your vita can also be helpful.

Please send all queries to:

Kathleen Domenig, Publisher
Strata Publishing, Inc.
P.O. 1303
State College, PA 16804-1303

If you are invited to submit materials for formal consideration, the publisher will send you a letter describing the appropriate form for those materials. Usually, we ask for a brief prospectus, a detailed outline or annotated table of contents, and two sample chapters (core chapters that are generally representative of your approach in the book as a whole, but not including the introductory chapter).


For security reasons, we are unable to accept manuscript queries or submissions as e-mail attachments.

An unsolicited proposal or manuscript may be returned only if the submission is accompanied by a self-addressed return envelope with sufficient postage.



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