Readings on the Rhetoric
of Social Protest
third edition
Charles E. Morris III
Syracuse University
Stephen Howard Browne
Pennsylvania State University
Chapter 1: Theoretical Foundations and New Directions
Leland M. Griffin, "The Rhetoric of Historical Movements" (1952)
Franklyn S. Haiman, "The Rhetoric of the Streets: Some Legal and Ethical Considerations" (1967)
Robert L. Scott and Donald K. Smith, "The Rhetoric of Confrontation" (1969)
Herbert W. Simons, "Requirements, Problems, and Strategies: A Theory of Persuasion for Social Movements" (1970)
Richard B. Gregg, "The Ego-Function of the Rhetoric of Protest" (1971)
Theodore Otto Windt, Jr., "The Diatribe: Last Resort for Protest" (1972)
Karlyn Kohrs Campbell, "The Rhetoric of Women’s Liberation: An Oxymoron" (1973)
Robert S. Cathcart, "Movements: Confrontation as Rhetorical Form" (1978)
*Robert Cox and Christina R. Foust, "Social Movement Rhetoric" (2009)
Chapter 2: Competing Perspectives
Michael Calvin McGee, "'Social Movement': Phenomenon or Meaning?" (1980)
David Zarefsky, "A Skeptical View of Movement Studies" (1980)
Stephen E. Lucas, "Coming to Terms with Movement Studies" (1980)
James R. Andrews, "History and Theory in the Study of the Rhetoric of Social Movements" (1980)
Charles J. Stewart, "A Functional Approach to the Rhetoric of Social Movements" (1980)
Chapter 3: Tactics for External Audiences
*Stephen Hartnett, "Lincoln and Douglas Meet the Abolitionist David Walker as Prisoners Debate Slavery: Empowering Education, Applied Communication, and Social Justice" (1998)
*Daniel C. Brouwer, "ACT-ing UP in Congressional Hearings" (2001)
Kevin Michael DeLuca and Jennifer Peeples, "From Public Sphere to Public Screen: Democracy, Activism, and the 'Violence' of Seattle" (2002)
Phaedra C. Pezzullo, "Resisting ‘National Breast Cancer Awareness Month’: The Rhetoric of Counterpublics and Their Cultural Performances" (2003)
*Darrel Enck-Wanzer, "Trashing the System: Social Movement, Intersectional Rhetoric, and Collective Agency in the Young Lords Organization’s Garbage Offensive" (2006)
*Michael T. Heaney and Fabio Rojas, "The Place of Framing: Multiple Audiences and Antiwar Protests near Fort Bragg" (2006)
*Steven Schwarze, "Environmental Melodrama" (2006)
*Isaac West, "PISSAR’s Critically Queer and Disabled Politics" (2010)
Chapter 4: Tactics for Internal Audiences
Randall A. Lake, "Enacting Red Power: The Consummatory Function in Native American Protest Rhetoric" (1983)
Bonnie J. Dow, "AIDS, Perspective by Incongruity, and Gay Identity in Larry Kramer’s '1,112 and Counting'" (1994)
Mari Boor Tonn, "Militant Motherhood: Labor’s Mary Harris 'Mother' Jones" (1996)
*Angela G. Ray and Cindy Koenig Richards, "Inventing Citizens, Imagining Gender Justice: The Suffrage Rhetoric of Virginia and Francis Minor" (2007)
*Karma R. Chávez, "Counter-Public Enclaves and Understanding the Function of Rhetoric in Social Movement Coalition-Building" (2011)
Chapter 5: Tactics of Control
David Zarefsky, "President Johnson’s War on Poverty: The Rhetoric of Three ‘Establishment’ Movements" (1977)
John M. Murphy, "Domesticating Dissent: The Kennedys and the Freedom Rides" (1992)
*Jason Edward Black, "SLAPPS and Social Activism: The Wonderland v. Grey2K Case" (2002/2003)
*Ginna Husting, "Neutralizing Protest: The Construction of War, Chaos, and National Identity through US Television News on Abortion-Related Protest, 1991" (2006)
*Dana L. Cloud, "Foiling the Intellectuals: Gender, Identity Framing, and the Rhetoric of the Kill in Conservative Hate Mail" (2009)
Chapter 6: Tactical Modifications
Celeste Condit Railsback, "The Contemporary American Abortion Controversy: Stages in the Argument" (1984)
James Darsey, "From 'Gay is Good' to the Scourge of AIDS: The Evolution of Gay Liberation Rhetoric, 1977–1990" (1991)
Charles J. Stewart, "The Evolution of a Revolution: Stokely Carmichael and the Rhetoric of Black Power" (1997)
Selected Bibliography
*New to this edition.
Copyright © 2001, 2006, and 2013 by Charles E. Morris III and Stephen Howard Browne.