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Readings in
Rhetorical Criticism

fifth edition

Carl R. Burgchardt
Colorado State University

Hillary A. Jones
California State University, Fresno


*Starred essays are new to this edition.

1. Purposes of Rhetorical Criticism

Herbert A. Wichelns, “The Literary Criticism of Oratory” (1925)

Ernest J. Wrage, “Public Address: A Study in Social and Intellectual History” (1947)

Lloyd F. Bitzer, “The Rhetorical Situation” (1968)

Edwin Black, Excerpts from Rhetorical Criticism: A Study in Method (1965)

Edwin Black, “The Second Persona” (1970)

Philip Wander, “The Ideological Turn in Modern Criticism” (1983)

Raymie E. McKerrow, “Critical Rhetoric: Theory and Praxis” (1989)

Carole Blair, Marsha S. Jeppeson, and Enrico Pucci, Jr., “Public Memorializing in Postmodernity: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial as Prototype” (1991)

*Brian L. Ott and Carl R. Burgchardt, “On Critical-Rhetorical Pedagogy: Dialoging with Schindler’s List” (2013)

2. Traditional Criticism

Forbes Hill, “Conventional Wisdom—Traditional Form—The President’s Message of November 3, 1969” (1972)

Michael C. Leff and Gerald P. Mohrmann, “Lincoln at Cooper Union: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Text” (1974)

Stephen E. Lucas, “The Stylistic Artistry of the Declaration of Independence” (1990)

*Robert E. Terrill, “Unity and Duality in Barack Obama’s ‘A More Perfect Union’” (2009)

3. Dramatistic Criticism

Kenneth Burke, “The Rhetoric of Hitler’s ‘Battle’” (1941)

Mari Boor Tonn, Valerie A. Endress, and John N. Diamond, “Hunting and Heritage on Trial: A Dramatistic Debate over Tragedy, Tradition, and Territory” (1993)

Brian L. Ott and Eric Aoki, “The Politics of Negotiating Public Tragedy: Media Framing of the Matthew Shepard Murder” (2002)

4. Narrative Criticism

Walter R. Fisher, “Narration as a Human Communication Paradigm: The Case of Public Moral Argument” (1984)

William F. Lewis, “Telling America’s Story: Narrative Form and the Reagan Presidency” (1987)

*Claire Sisco King, “Rogue Waves, Remakes, and Resurrections: Allegorical Displacement and Screen Memory in Poseidon” (2008)

5. Metaphoric Criticism

Michael Osborn, “Archetypal Metaphor in Rhetoric: The Light-Dark Family” (1967)

Robert L. Ivie, “Metaphor and the Rhetorical Invention of Cold War ‘Idealists’” (1987)

*Theresa Ann Donofrio, “Ground Zero and Place-Making Authority: The Conservative Metaphors in 9/11 Families’ ‘Take Back the Memorial’ Rhetoric” (2010)

6. Social Movement Criticism

Leland M. Griffin, “The Rhetorical Structure of the Antimasonic Movement” (1958)

Herbert W. Simons, “Requirements, Problems, and Strategies: A Theory of Persuasion for Social Movements” (1970)

Susan Zaeske, “Signatures of Citizenship: The Rhetoric of Women’s Antislavery Petitions” (2002)

7. Genre Criticism

Karlyn Kohrs Campbell and Kathleen Hall Jamieson, “Form and Genre in Rhetorical Criticism: An Introduction” (1978)

B. L. Ware and Wil A. Linkugel, “They Spoke in Defense of Themselves: On the Generic Criticism of Apologia” (1973)

*Katie L. Gibson, “In Defense of Women’s Rights: A Rhetorical Analysis of Judicial Dissent” (2012)

8. Ideographic Criticism

Michael Calvin McGee, “The ‘Ideograph’: A Link between Rhetoric and Ideology” (1980)

John Louis Lucaites and Celeste Michelle Condit, “Reconstructing <Equality>: Culturetypal and Counter-Cultural Rhetorics in the Martyred Black Vision” (1990)

*Joshua Ewalt, “A Colonialist Celebration of National <Heritage>: Verbal, Visual, and Landscape Ideographs at Homestead National Monument of America” (2011)

9. Critical Rhetorical Analysis

Thomas K. Nakayama and Robert L. Krizek, “Whiteness: A Strategic Rhetoric” (1995)

Dana L. Cloud, “Hegemony or Concordance? The Rhetoric of Tokenism in ‘Oprah’  Winfrey’s Rags-to-Riches Biography” (1996)

*Jason Edward Black, “Native Resistive Rhetoric and the Decolonization of American Indian Removal Discourse” (2009)

*Benjamin R. Bates, Windy Y. Lawrence, and Mark Cervenka, “Redrawing Afrocentrism: Visual Nommo in George H. Ben Johnson’s Editorial Cartoons” (2008)

10. Gender and Queer Criticism

*Karlyn Kohrs Campbell, “Consciousness-Raising: Linking Theory, Criticism, and Practice” (2002)

*Bonnie J. Dow, “The Traffic in Men and the Fatal Attraction of Postfeminist Masculinity” (2006)

Charles E. Morris III, “Pink Herring & The Fourth Persona: J. Edgar Hoover’s Sex Crime Panic” (2002)

*Catherine R. Squires and Daniel C. Brouwer, “In/Discernible Bodies: The Politics of Passing in Dominant and Marginal Media” (2002)

Additional Readings
About the Editors

*Starred essays are new to this edition.



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